Amazing Health Benefits of Spices & Herbs

Dipanwita Saha


SPICES add flavor and color to food and make the food palatable and hence add variety in diet. Cereals, pulses, vegetables, or meat can be cooked in variety of forms due to addition of different kinds of spices. General Function of Spices:- Spices in general stimulate salivation, acid secretion, and digestive enzymes. Spices improve saliva secretion producing more ptyalin such that carbohydrate-rich carbohydrates can be quickly digested. Spices have effects which are anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antioxidant. Spices help raise the rates of low blood glucose in the bloodstream and support diabetics, raising cholesterol levels and help avoid heart disease. Spices may enhance memory and brain function. Spices help fight infections and boost immunity. Spices are considered antimutagenous or anticarcinogenous. Here are 3 of the world's healthiest spices supported by research

Relevant Publications in Journal of Food and Drug Research