Review Article
Sima Ajami, Mehri Nemati-Sh
Alzheimer is a kind of brain disorder in which death of brain cells leads to dysfunction of memory, thought, judgment, language, and other nervous activities which can subsequently change individual behavior and personality. Collection of proper data and access to sufficient information regarding causes of Alzheimer can help to develop preventive programs and manage treatment. The most important part of information management system is data collection which is considered as the basic tool for a detailed description of the health care process, evaluation, diagnosis, interventions, outcomes, and documentation. Managers need reliable and accurate data for resource allocation and management. The first step toward data standardization in order to facilitate, share, and compare it among different centers is the establishment of a minimum data set (MDS). MDS is a minimum set of agreed data elements collected at national or regional level and reported to related organizations. In this regard, the present study aims to investigate the role of the Alzheimer national registry system in the prevention treatment and management. The study was a narrative survey, which was done through searching in Google search engine as well as sites associated with Alzheimer with the help of some key words such as “minimum data set”, “advantages”, “treatment”, “prevention” “Alzheimer”, and “registry” in journal articles (abstracts and texts), books, conference abstracts, and other online documents from 2006 to 2015. Approximately, 70 articles, books, theses, and conference abstracts were obtained of which 50 cases were selected. Designing and development of MDS for Alzheimer seems necessary at the national level in Iran, so that data collection and analysis can help in designing of preventive programs.