Alternaria alternata toxin mediated elicitation of secondary metabolite pathway in Rauvolfia serpentina along with disease protection

Research Article

Namrata Shanu Gupta and Krishn


The present study aimed to investigate the elicitation of secondary metabolites in Rauvolfia serpentina by Alternaria alternata crude toxin that serves as an elicitor. R. serpentina plants were treated with toxin and subsequently challenge inoculated with the conidial suspension (105 conidia mL-1) of A. alternata. Foliar application of toxin was repeated at fifteen days interval. The increased production of PAL and NO after toxin treatment suggested the capacity of toxin to induce the production of secondary metabolites which was further justified with the increased production of reserpine. Besides this toxin was quite effective in reducing the disease severity, increasing root biomass and maintaining good health of the plants. Henceforth the present analysis suggests the efficacy of toxin in mediating the elicitation of medicinally important secondary metabolite reserpine in one hand along with its positive impact in disease protection and health of R. serpentina.

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