Administrative and Legal Support for Functioning of the Agro-Industrial Complex of Ukraine

Hanna Ivanova, Serhii Podoliak


The article deals with a complex study of the peculiarities of administrative and legal support for functioning of the agro-industrial complex of Ukraine. In particular, according to the results of the analysis of doctrinal sources in the context of the investigated problems, the author offers definition of the concept of "administrative and legal support for functioning of the agroindustrial complex of Ukraine". The legal documents regulating peculiarities of the agricultural policy of the state within the framework of the European integration processes in general, including strategic directions and certain types of legal relations in the agro-industrial sphere, have been determined. Attention is paid to explaining the content of certain provisions of the Strategy for the Development of the Agrarian Sector of the Economy for the period up to 2020 and the Concept of the State Target Program for the Development of the Agricultural Sector for the Period until 2022. The basic principles according to which administrative and legal support of functioning of the agro-industrial complex is carried out are highlighted. Emphasis is placed on the need to resolve the problematic issues of regulating legal relations in the agro-industrial sphere.

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