Activity of Angiopteris evecta for baldness treatment

Resmi Mustarichie, Wiwiek Indr


Baldness or abnormal hair growth is one of the problems often experienced by humans. Hormonal disorders, side effects of medication, food intake, and stress is a factor causing this problem. Pakis Munding (Angiopteris evecta (G.Forst.) Hoffm.) roots activity is thought to have hair growth based on traditional use. This study aims to determine the hair growth activity of ethanol extract and water extract of the roots of pakis munding topically on the male rabbit type Anggora with hair length parameter. Results of phytochemical screening showed the ethanol extract of the roots of pakis munding tannin containing secondary metabolites compounds, polyphenols, flavonoid, steroids, triterpenoids, quinones, monoterpenoid and sesquiterpenoids. Hair growth activity test results use modified Tanaka method showed that the ethanol extract and water extract with a concentration of 40%, 20%, 10% can significantly nourish hair by testing for 18 days. The ethanol extract with a concentration of 40%, 20% and 10% and water extract with levels of 40% and 20% showed better results than the positive control is a drug that has been marketed minoxidil. Ethanol extract and water extract with the levels of 40% showed the best results cope with minoxidil. It is suggested, before it can be used in humans, it is necessary to do further research on the bald volunteers.

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