A study on prescription pattern of statins in cardiovascular disease

Research Article

Sreedevi K, Venkateswara Rao J


Statins are effective in both primary and secondary prevention of coronary heart disease (CHD), and other conditions. The present study is mainly focused on prescription pattern of statins in cardiovascular disease. However, prescriptions were collected from out-patient departments visiting different hospitals of Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India. A total of 1000 prescriptions were collected out, of which 306 were included with the statins and were used for further analysis. The results show that males were prescribed more on statins therapy compared to that of females. Whereas, predominant age groups in these patients were found to be 60-70 yrs in males and 50-60 yrs in females. In addition to that, co-morbidities conditions for which statins were prescribed are CVD (279), diabetes (199), thyroid disorders (25), Osteoporosis (5) and renal insufficiency (6). The different statins prescribed are Atorvastatin (261), Rosuvastatin (26), Simvastatin (12) and Lovastatin (7). Our article suggests that, statins are first-line agents in most situations. These drugs are cost-effective in secondary prevention and high-risk primary prevention risk groups.

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