Muhammet Enis YONAR
An outbreak has appeared affecting rainbow trout weighting 0.5-1 g from different fish man-agement units in Kahramanmaras region in 2008 year. The fish were examined systematically in terms of fish diseases. Fish samples were brought Firat University Fisheries Faculty. For this goal, isolation was made onto appropriate agar plates under sterile conditions from fish. Cul-tures were incubated at 24 ºC. Clinical signs at fish were observed as dark skin, exophthalmia, injured on dorsal zone, disorders on the fish body, bleeding in the base of the dorsal and tail fin. As autopsy signs in liver and kidney of fish were observed lesions. Water quality parame-ters such as temperature, dissolved oxygen and pH were measured. According to morphologi-cal and biochemical tests, three different bacteria isolated at farms were identifed as Acineto-bacter sp. Antibiotic susceptibility tests revealed that strains were sensitive to norfloxacin and gentamicin