Research Article
Miklós Bély and
Gout, chondrocalcinosis and apatite rheumatism are regarded as distinct clinical entities. Exact clinical and/or histological diagnosis is needed, because of different outcome and therapy of these diseases. Authors demonstrate a simple and effective histological technique for exact identification of distinct crystal deposits in surgical specimens. The simplest and most effective “staining” technique to demonstrate crystals is “not-staining”. One of the major works of histochemistry does not discuss this simple method. In case of clinically or histologically suspected metabolic or crystal induced disease the tissue specimens should be evaluated (examined) in sections stained by haematoxylin-eosin and in unstained sections as well. The probability of crystal positive cases is much higher in unstained sections viewed under polarized light in comparison with haematoxylin-eosin or others stained ones. This approach may also be useful in any crystal deposition induced diseases.