A Novel Manufacturing Method for Sustained Release Products and Modelling Dissolution

Lahdenperä E and Koira


A novel processing method for the manufacturing of slow-release particles is proposed. The method is based on the wet milling of active compounds and the selected biodegradable polymers combined with subsequent drying. In the proposed method the dissolution barrier is processed in one step compared to traditional methods consisting of several steps. The experimental dissolution curves of natural polymer (native potato starch and lignin) coated salts were compared with unmilled and milled salts. The dissolution process model was developed in order to characterize and to design sustained release particles. Models were verified with the existing dissolution data. Verified models combined with SEM-images could support the proposed dissolution mechanisms for different polymers. Estimates of effective surface area and diffusion layer thickness (active surface model) and effective diffusivity and gelling layer thickness (constant gel radius model) is achieved.

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