A Concept Analysis of the Phenomenon of Resilience

Review Article

Robert Scoloveno


The purpose of this paper was to describe and clarify the construct of resilience in effort to identify its importance and usefulness to nursing. A synthesis of the relevant literature defining and clarifying the concept of resilience, its attributes, antecedents and consequences are presented. The definitions of the concept of resilience through the years have been relatively similar in their inclusion of the elements of positive adaptation or coping in the face of severe stress or adversity. However, the terms that have been used to describe this phenomenon differ and include invulnerability, hardiness, and stress resistance. The concept of resilience is one that can be used by nurses when caring for people who are facing physical, psychosocial and cultural adversities within their environment. It is unclear whether resilience is an outcome of an intervention, or a moderator or mediator to coping behaviors. What becomes clear is that more nursing research needs to be done to examine the role of resilience in health promotion, acute care, and chronic illness.

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